HOPE Arose On That First Resurrection Morning!

HOPE Arose On That First Resurrection Morning!

This is the second or third year I have shared this same exact post. I hesitated sharing it again, but then thought, "Well, the truth of the post hasn't changed and it won't EVER change, so why not keep on sharing it!"

It's that time of the year when I get to write about the day which changed everything!

The actual event may have taken place thousands of years ago, but it's still changing lives today!

The greatest

and most


day of the year!




The day when believers in Jesus Christ from all over the world celebrate the FACT that Jesus arose from the dead!


"He is not here, but is risen: remember how he spake unto you when he was yet in Galilee, 

Saying, The Son of man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, and be crucified, and the third day rise again."
Luke 24:6-7

Think about it, there is NO OTHER FAITH who has a RISEN Saviour! 

If we did not have a risen Saviour, we would have NO hope for this life or for the life to come.

All other faiths have leaders who have a date when they were born and a date when they died and that's where it ENDS!

Buddha was born, died and is still dead. Muhammad was born, died and is still dead. Socrates was born, died and is still dead. Confucius was born, died and is still dead.


Another thing which sets Jesus apart from all other religious leaders is that He is the only One who NEVER sinned. 

We NEEDED someone to “rescue” us from our sins. 

The only one capable of saving another from their sins is one who never sinned themselves, and that Someone, of course was Jesus!

He not only was The Son of God, He was also God in the flesh, but NEVER once did He sin! 

"For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him."
II Corinthians 5:21

I know this may sound all very basic, as it did to me most of my life.

Growing up, I knew about the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. 


I never made

it personal

I just couldn't see myself as a sinner needing a Saviour!   

I knew I was far from perfect, but I never saw myself as a sinner. I thought of sinners as robbers, murders and people "like that", or so I thought! 

BUT the Bible teaches NO SUCH THING.

In fact the Bible teaches we are ALL sinners.

"For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;"
Romans 3:23

None of us can measure up to the Lord's standard of holiness and that's why we NEED Jesus to be our Saviour.  

If being a good person, giving to the poor, joining a church or being baptized could have forgiven us of our sins, God would have NEVER sent Jesus to the cross to die such an agonizing death for my sins and for your sins.

If you have heard the "Easter story" all of your life, but have never made Jesus's death, burial and resurrection personal in your own life, TODAY would be the perfect time to do so.  

It's just a matter of realizing that Jesus died, was buried and rose again for YOU.

Even if you had been the only person living at the time, Jesus still would have died just for YOU because He loves YOU that much and wants YOU to be forgiven of YOUR sins and spend eternity in HEAVEN with HIM.

Tell Jesus realize you are a sinner in need of a Saviour. You believe He died, was buried and rose again for your sins. You are asking Him to be your Saviour, and you are repenting of your sins and seeking to live your life for Him.

No need to use words like "thee" and "thou"! Praying is just talking to God. He is NOT impressed with eloquent speech. 

He is simply interested in what is truly in your heart.

Trusting Christ as your personal Saviour IS THE MOST IMPORTANT decision you will EVER make in your entire life.

It's a matter of spending eternity in Heaven with God or spending eternity in Hell separated from God. There is NO "in between". 

We are not guaranteed our next breath. 

The Bible says,
"Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.”
James 4:14


may be

too late.

Trust Christ


And please




about religion.

It's ALL about



Jesus Christ!


If you have questions about trusting Christ as your Saviour, please don’t hesitate to contact me at barb@castingyourcare.org

Please KNOW that I AM praying for you!

If you know Christ as your personal Saviour, let's NEVER take our salvation for granted or just skim over the "Resurrection story" because we've heard it so many times.

May you and I take time to reflect and thank Jesus for dying and rising again so that we could personally know Him as our Saviour.


If you have been helped by this post and think it could be helpful to someone you know, please share this post on the social network of your choice for me.

All you have to do is click one of the buttons below.

May God Bless You,



  • Chrissy Morgan

    March 28, 2018 at 9:07 am Reply

    I love this!! Thank you for sharing on this very special week. I'm glad God loves me every day of the year. I'm glad Jesus died for me. For my family. For the world.

    • Barb

      March 28, 2018 at 5:51 pm Reply

      I couldn't agree more my sweet friend!
      So thankful Jesus loves me EVERY day of the week❤
      I have no words to thank Him for my salvation
      So thankful He died for my sins, for everyone's sins.
      Thank you dear friend for your words of encouragement.
      Huge hugs

  • Zebra4Jesus

    March 29, 2018 at 9:49 am Reply

    I rejoice to hear this sweet story again although the death and cruelty is heartbreaking. Jesus cared enough for ME to first come to earth as a baby. Then to suffer such devastating cruelty. And the final VICTORY to rise again. I serve a risen Savior He's in the world today. I know that He is with me whatever man may say. I feel His hand of mercy i feel His touch of grace and anything I need Him head always right there with me!!!! PTL!!! Thanks for sharing this again!!! Your fellow Zebra

    • Barb

      March 29, 2018 at 9:20 pm Reply

      My fellow Zebra, I began singing along as I was reading these words you wrote, "I serve a risen Saviour He's in the world today ....!" Praise the Lord for our risen Saviuor ❤❤
      So very thankful that this post was a blessing and encouragement to you once again.
      You are truly a huge blessing to me.
      Praising the Lord that He brought you into my life
      Huge hugs and loads of love to you!!!

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