This past Monday, the 10th of July, was the birthday of our one and only! I can hardly believe he is now thirty-two years old! Wasn't it just yesterday Brian and I brought him home from the hospital? Didn't he just begin kindergarten two months ago, and then the following month graduate from high school?
God’s Grace
Strength In The Storms!
The original post which I had typed out and ready to go for this week has been postponed until next week! Why? Well, because life has a way of getting in the middle of things! Life throws curve balls which hit us out of no where! However, these unexpected turn of events allows The Lord
Every Day Should Be A Day Of Thanks!
Tomorrow, the fourth Thursday of November, is the day set aside when Americans cook massive amounts of food which of course leads to consuming massive amounts of food! Pulling out and dusting off the fancy china, shimmering goblets and exquisite silverware, which is usually tucked far behind the normal every day dishes and utensils, so that a
God’s Grace Is Amazing!
I recently began another Bible study written by “The Time-Warp Wife!" If you have no clue who I am talking about, AFTER you finish reading this post, go to the archives and read my post entitled, "Daily Time With The Lord", which will explain everything! In the introduction of the Bible study, she wrote a quote