To say that I'm excited to be sharing another post is an understatement! Yes, it's only the second one this year, but PRAISE THE LORD! In my previous post, I stated that I had no idea how the Lord was leading concerning the website and I still don't, but I do believe that the following
God’s love
A Love For Everyone This Valentine’s Day!
I hesitated writing a post based solely upon celebrating Valentine's Day. This day dedicated to love is NOT an easy day for all people. Sure, if you're blessed like I am to be married to your best friend and the love of your life, then of course it's a VERY HAPPY occasion. BUT consider with
Lonely, But Never Alone!
Today we're going to take a peak into the life of the prophet Elijah. He was a man of much faith. He was a man of prayer. He was a mighty man of God. Elijah was used in great ways because of his obedience and complete trust in the Lord. However, he was still human and
Words Of Comfort For 2018
As a young girl growing up and even as a teenager and young adult, I always looked forward to the start of a new school year or a new semester of college. Yes, I was one of those geeky nerds who actually enjoyed school! The beginning of a new school year brought the anticipation of
Oh, What A Friend!
I have a question for you and you may have to think back a LONG way! Like a few years back! Or maybe, like me, many eons ago! Do you happen to remember those sentimental treasures known as yearbooks? Yes, I had to go WAY back into the reservoirs of my memory bank and wade
Lessons Learned From Little Ones!
In my personal opinion, I have no problem understanding why Jesus enjoyed surrounding Himself with children! Children loved Jesus when He was here on Earth. Children still love Jesus! Jesus loved children when He was here on Earth. Jesus still loves children! I love children! I always wanted a house full of little ones, but due
God’s Grace Is Amazing!
I recently began another Bible study written by “The Time-Warp Wife!" If you have no clue who I am talking about, AFTER you finish reading this post, go to the archives and read my post entitled, "Daily Time With The Lord", which will explain everything! In the introduction of the Bible study, she wrote a quote
The Simplicity of The Gospel
I think it's safe to say that we all enjoy the simple things in life! What about your morning cup of coffee? A very simple pleasure, however, for many a sheer necessity! For Brian and I, as many of you already know, one of our simple joys is our truck dates! Simple, yet so very
Homebound? You CAN Still Serve The Lord!
"And the eye cannot say unto the hand, I have no need of thee: nor again the head to the feet, I have no need of you. Nay, much more those members of the body, which seem to be more feeble, are necessary." 1 Corinthians 12:21-22 I am mostly homebound due to my chronic illness.
Lord, We NEED You
"Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love one another." 1 John 4:11 This is NOT the post I had planned to publish today. But as the Lord does at times, He completely turns things around, and that’s exactly how I KNOW that this site belongs ALL to Him, and I’m just