I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas celebrating the birth of our Saviour, The Lord Jesus Christ! And with that said, we have come to the end of the series, "Singing Our Way Through December!" I pray you enjoyed reading the posts as much as I did writing them! It's really very interesting
Articles for December 2018
Singing Our Way Through December, Part Three!
Today I get to share the history behind my most favorite Christmas carol! It's a song well-known for its beautifully arranged lyrics and spine tingling high notes, as well as being theologically sound. Listening to it can easily bring tears to your eyes! Have you figured out yet which song I'm talking about? Yes, of
Singing Our Way Through December, Part Two!
I hope you enjoyed Part One of this series as we looked last week at the story behind the song, "Mary Did You Know?" Today we will be studying the history of a song written back in the 1800's. Hymns always held a very special place in the heart of Phillips Brooks. As a boy, he along
Singing Our Way Through December, Part One!
So with it being December ALREADY, I intend, Lord willing, to share this month some of the most well-known and most beloved Christmas songs and the history behind them! I'm really looking forward to it and I hope you are too! Our first song for the month just happens to be my husband's favorite! Many of