I hesitated writing a post based solely upon celebrating Valentine's Day. This day dedicated to love is NOT an easy day for all people. Sure, if you're blessed like I am to be married to your best friend and the love of your life, then of course it's a VERY HAPPY occasion.
BUT consider with me for a moment the widows and widowers who no longer have that hand to hold.
Who no longer look with anticipation of being greeted with an evening hug and kiss and sharing with one another what transpired throughout their day.
Who no longer hear their beloved speak the most treasured three words spoken between a husband and a wife, "I love you!"
What about those who are single?
They put on a brave face and slap on a smile as they witness their engaged and married friends being showered with copious amounts of love and affection, all the while wondering when their knight in shining armor will come riding in on his white horse and sweep them off their feet (at least that's how the girls think!)
Valentine's Day can even be tough on those who are married. Expectations may go unmet which leads to disappointment, anger and even bitterness. A marriage that's on the rocks usually is NOT taking Valentine's Day too seriously.
So you can see the MANY reasons why I hesitated writing a Valentine's Day post!
BUT GOD led me in a different direction!
Not sharing Valentine's Day from the human standpoint, but from a godly standpoint!
No matter your "relationship" status this Valentine's Day, please know you ARE loved.
you can
even begin
Far more than any bouquet of flowers.
Far more than the most "mushiest gushiest" Hallmark card!
Far more than the most decadent dessert at the most elegant restaurant in town!
Granted, those are all VERY lovely things, but they all have one thing in common.
are all
The flowers will last a few days, end up wilting, and eventually land in the trash!
The dessert will last a few minutes and end up on your hips!
The card will get read then either get thrown away or stashed away amid a pile of other cards from years gone by.
PLEASE know I am NOT saying those things are not nice and appropriate because they are! Hint for all those husbands out there, as well as for us wives!
What I AM saying is that none of those tokens of love will last forever!
However, God gave a "token" of His love that not only lasts forever, but will also change your life right here and now!
What is
God's love?
That is the greatest display of love EVER shown!
If you know Christ as your personal Saviour, let's STOP and GIVE HIM PRAISE!
If you've never trusted Christ as your Saviour, TODAY is the day!
You may be asking,
"Barb, what exactly does it mean to trust Jesus as my personal Saviour?"
A great question with a very simple answer!
It's the MOST important question that you will EVER ask in your ENTIRE life, and it's the MOST important answer that you will EVER give in your ENTIRE life!
First, please know that having a personal relationship with Jesus is NOT found in being a good person, giving money to the poor, attending church, being baptized. It's NOT found in anything that WE do!
It's NOT about having a religion or being religious.
It's ALL
about what
for us!
In order to have a personal relationship with Jesus you must first see yourself as a sinner in need of a Saviour.
I still remember the first time someone told me I was a sinner. I stiffened up and said something like, "Why are you calling me a sinner? You don't even know me. I'm a good person. It's not like I ever killed anyone!"
I knew I wasn't perfect. VERY far from it! But to actually call me a sinner! No way!
That was BEFORE someone showed me what the Bible has to say!
The Bible teaches we are ALL sinners.
But there is NO sin so great that it cannot be forgiven.
"For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;"
Romans 3:23
None of us can measure up to the Lord's standard of holiness and that is why we NEED Jesus to be our Saviour. Jesus is the ONLY one Who never sinned, and yet He was willing to take ALL of our sins upon Himself when He died on the cross.
"For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him."
II Corinthians 5:21
Even if you would have been the only person living at the time, Jesus still would have died just for YOUR sins because that's how much He loves you!
But Praise God, Jesus did not stay in the tomb! Three days after His death, He arose!
"For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures."
I Corinthians 15:3-4
Once you realize Jesus died for YOUR sins, was buried and rose again, you just talk to Him. That's what prayer is!
Share with Jesus that you realize you're a sinner and you are placing your trust in Him and Him alone to be Your Saviour. The Only One capable of forgiving you of your sins and taking you to Heaven one day. Tell Him you are asking Him to be the Lord of your life and you desire to live your life for Him.
You do NOT need to impress Him with fancy words.
It's not the exact words you pray which gives you a personal relationship with Jesus, IT'S YOUR FAITH!
That's how you have a personal relationship with Jesus!
It’s truly that simple!
If you have been helped by this post and think it could be helpful to someone you know, please share this post on the social network of your choice for me.
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May God Bless You,
Sandra Platt
February 15, 2019 at 11:18 amLove you so "Sparkle" Barb. One of the many ways God showed His love to me is in giving me sisters like you.
I pray for you daily.
February 15, 2019 at 1:49 pmAnd one of the ways God shows me that He loves me is by bringing a friend like you into my life! I thank the Lord that He allowed me to meet you! You are a true blessing and a joy filled encouragement to me! I love you bunches, Sparkle ❤❤