I celebrated another birthday last week, and I wrote on a social media page that I was now "double nickels plus one cent!" (that's fifty-six just in case you needed to figure it out!) I got a HUGE chuckle when a dear friend from Scotland jokingly wrote, "It took me a while, but I finally
Articles for January 2019
Following Feelings Or Trusting The Truth?
I began writing this post on Friday, which also happened to be the day I was anxiously waiting to hear back from a possible new doctor who I was going to be seeing. A new opportunity to finally get some answers and relief for the symptoms which continue to worsen. Fresh eyes to look at
Counting Them One By One!
I'm kicking off this post with a question for you to answer! What do you do when you find yourself with a case of the "mully grubs"? Singing the blues? Cantankerous? Down in the mouth? In the pits? Down right fed up? Maybe you phone a friend and for the next four hours you share
“Ye Might, Ye Shall, But Be of Good Cheer!”
Wow, "Ye Might, Ye Shall, But Be of Good Cheer!'", what kind of title is that for a post? Well, I was thinking the same exact thing when I wrote it! But since the Lord kept impressing it upon my heart, who was I not to use it? And as you read on, Lord willing,
Where Will You Place Your Trust In 2019?
Trust. That word, or I should say, the meaning of that word, has become all but obsolete in the world and society which we currently find ourselves. It's heart breaking to see just how far we have digressed over the years from the true meaning of the word "trust". Back in the day a handshake