YES, this is the first post since April, 2019! I'm really not sure what the Lord has in mind, but when I wrote this post for myself personally, I did feel as if the Lord was prompting me to share it here with all of you, and when I read it to Brian, he confirmed that prompting without me saying a word! Not sure if this will become a regular "event", at this point I'm just following the Lord's leading. So without further ado, here we go!
Recently during my devotions, the Lord led me to read Lamentations 3:19-24, and I’d like to share what the Lord taught me from this passage of Scripture.
The first thing Jeremiah did NOT do was to hide his troubles from the Lord, and he did NOT attempt to sugar coat them. He called them EXACTLY what they were, “mine affliction and my misery, the wormwood and the gall” (verse 19).
Please take note that the Lord did NOT punish Jeremiah for honestly telling Him how he was feeling, of course the Lord already knew, but He truly desires for us to talk to Him about ALL things, the good, the bad and the ugly.
It’s a great thing that Jeremiah was so open about his deep feelings and dark emotions which he was experiencing. BUT it's an even better thing that he didn’t throw up his hands and just sit down and park himself right there!
Too often many of us stop at that place, pitch our tent, build a campfire and make ourselves right at home in our misery and afflictions, and if we’re not careful, we’ll never take the first step to move out of that barren wilderness. YES, I have found myself in this desert place one too many times!
We’ll begin to believe the LIES of our adversary, such as “God doesn’t care about me or even love me because if He did then I wouldn’t be going through this hard time.” And, YES, to my own demise I've fallen prey to these LIES one too many times!
What we NEED to do is follow the example set forth by Jeremiah. After his lament, he went on to say, "This I recall to my mind, therefore have I hope.” Exactly what did he recall to his mind which caused him to have hope amid his affliction and misery?
Well, what Jeremiah remembered is rather powerful and it’s the EXACT same thing which we NEED to remember ALWAYS, but especially when going through afflictions and miseries. “It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.”
Jeremiah then went on to say, “The Lord is my portion, saith my soul; therefore will I hope in him.”
The ONLY way in which Jeremiah could claim the Lord as his hope was to first recognize that the Lord was his portion, meaning that when circumstances made no sense at all, Jeremiah could trust and believe the Lord WAS still working things out for his good.
He had to believe that the Lord was for him not against him.
He had to believe that the Lord would provide and care for him.
Every day the Lord in His great love, mercy and compassion gives us a clean slate.
A new beginning.
Because His mercies are new EVERY day
Because His compassion does NOT fail
Because great is HIS faithfulness
And as a believer, we can say that He IS our portion and our HELP!
What I learned recently from this passage of Scripture, and what I just shared, may not be earth shattering or anything new, but to me, and I pray for you as well, it was a great reminder of God's love and care for us no matter our life circumstances. And as a believer, the Lord IS our PORTION and HOPE no matter our life circumstances! It really doesn't get any better than that!
Don't forget,
in grief
in glory,
still great
His faithfulness!
If you have been helped by this post and think it could be helpful to someone you know, please share this post on the social network of your choice for me.
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May God Bless You,
March 17, 2021 at 5:11 pmBeautifully written Barb! I’m so thankful you followed the Spirit’s prompting! And I love that song, too! May all who read these inspired words be blessed and encouraged—I know I sure was! Love you sweet friend.♥️
Barb Camp
March 18, 2021 at 2:01 pmCindy, thank you so much for your words of encouragement, it means more to me than you know! I praise the Lord for bringing you into my life! Love and appreciate you my dear friend ❣❣❣
Palous John
June 24, 2024 at 1:18 amDear Sis,
Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ our savior.
This is Evangelist Paloos Jan from Pakistan. I have been working as servant of Lord and Evangelism among un-privileged Christians and soo called Christians living in backward areas from last many years
I visited your website page and I was very blessed and inspired by your posts. I pray to God that the dear Lord will deepen you in the teaching of the word so that you will cause many souls to be saved.
I'm writing you to keep us in your prayers. If you have any prayer request let us know.
Praying for you and your family. And I would request you to pray for Christian’s in Pakistan.
May God bless you and your family with divine blessings abundantly
Margie Green
March 17, 2021 at 11:43 pmBarb ..... It’s so wonderful that you have returned to your blog! We’ve missed you! Our church is currently studying the book of Lamentations. We studied this passage this very week!! ✝️ I hope the timing of that will bless and affirm you! Love you!
Barb Camp
March 18, 2021 at 2:05 pmMargie, it was so great to be able to publish this post ... Praise the Lord! Thank you so very much dear friend for your words of encouragement, and yes, knowing that your church studied this EXACT passage of Scripture is a huge blessing and confirmation to me! I love you ❣❣❣
March 18, 2021 at 4:12 pmI am so thrilled to see your post again. It encourages me to know you are you are reaching out to others in need of encouragement. I needed this today. Praise the Lord for sharing your heart with us!! You have a gift from our Lord! I love you and pray for you.
Barb Camp
March 18, 2021 at 8:53 pmThank you so much, Mom, for your support and words of encouragement, it means more than you know ❤❤❤
I love and appreciate you bunches ❤❤
Linda B
March 18, 2021 at 6:29 pmBarb, it is a joy to read your words again! Amidst the gloom that has been cast over much of the world over recent months, it is good for all of us to remember those words of hope that Jeremiah spoke. I am so thankful that God is forever faithful, His mercies are new every single morning.
He indeed is our Portion forever - that reminds me of Psalm 16 “Lord, You are my portion and my cup of blessing; You hold my future. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance.” (Verses 5-6 HCSB)
Sending love and hugs across the oceans.❤️
Barb Camp
March 18, 2021 at 9:00 pmLinda, it's such a joy to hear from you again!! So often I've thought about and prayed for you. Thank you so very much for your sweet words of encouragement. And thank you for sharing the verses from Psalm 16, how appropriate! Sending across the ocean much love and hugs to you my sweet friend ❤❤
March 19, 2021 at 10:51 amDear Barb!! I'm so glad to hear from you. God bless you abundantly for sharing. Hugs and prayers, Your fellow Zebra
Barb Camp
March 20, 2021 at 12:46 pmOh my precious friend, I'm so very thankful to hear from you! You are such a great blessing and encouragement to me! Love and appreciate you, Barb ❤❤❤