A Prayer of Giving Thanks

A Prayer of Giving Thanks

Tomorrow before you load up your plate with all that yummy, scrumptious, delicious food, and then zone out in front of the television rooting for your favorite football team, will you please join me in a prayer of thanksgiving and praise to our AMAZING AWESOME God.

"Lord, words can't even come close in expressing the overwhelming gratitude in my heart. You and You alone deserve all my praise.

Your love is so much more than I could ever ask for. I certainly don't deserve to have You in my life, let alone to have You with me every moment of every day. In the "good" and in the difficult circumstances of life. During times of rejoicing, as well as times of weeping.

When life feels as if it's unraveling, tearing apart at the seams, overcome with the unknowns and overtaken by anxiety, You are always quick to remind me of Your unending, unfailing faithfulness and absolute sovereignty over all.

Over the years, You have answered prayers way too numerous to even begin to count. From life changing decisions to the most "simplest" requests. From one extreme to the other, You have never failed to show Your way, provide Your wisdom and grant the desires, and many times, even the "wants" of my heart.

Father, Your faithfulness in prayer over the years makes it easier to trust You in the seasons of silence. Those times when You gently whisper, 'Wait, my child. I know you don't understand what's going on, but I do, so please trust Me and My timing.'

Lord, it's not always easy when You are quiet concerning certain issues in life. But, Lord, comfort is found in Your Word which says,

'Be still, and know that I am God'

AMAZING POWER found especially in these three words!


These words, Lord, remind me that,

You are good. Oh, so good. You are indeed a good, good Father

You are all-knowing

The mighty Conquer

You give joy, peace and rest

You are Saviour

The Creator of all

You are gracious, merciful and kind

Our sin bearer

You are absolute holiness

You are forgiving

The Prince of peace

You are love

Friend to the sinner and to the saved

You are longsuffering towards us

The Word which became flesh and dwelt among us

You are all-powerful

Our soon coming King!





Thank You, Lord, for always being quick to forgive when I mess up. When my heart goes wandering from Your Word. Wanting it my way instead of Your way.

Thank You, Lord, for the blessing of family that's near and far. Long time friendships, newer friends, and those friends I'll never meet face to face until we get to Heaven.

Lord, thank You for reaching down and plucking me out of my wicked, sinful lifestyle. Thank You for desiring something so much better for me. His name is Jesus.

Thank You for opening my eyes to the truth of the Gospel. For allowing me to understand that Jesus died, was buried and rose again for MY sins. Yes, Father, I know Your Son died for the entire world, but thank You for showing me the need to make it personal.

That in itself

is enough

to keep

me praising


every second


every day


the rest


my life!

Lord, Thank You for the reality of Heaven. What a joy for all those believers who are already occupying that Heavenly City, and for all of us who will join them one day because of our faith in Your precious Son, Jesus Christ.

Lord, please help me, by the power of Your Holy Spirit, to remember that the giving of thanks is not just for the good moments. It’s for ALL things. Knowing in all things that You are desiring to make me more Christ-like, and that You are working ALL things for my good and Your glory.

Father, this was my feeble attempt to give You thanks and praise for the extraordinary amount of Your blessings upon my life. And in a very small way attempting to give You thanks for Who You truly are. I love You more than these mere words could ever convey.

In the precious and loving name of our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen"

"Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name. For the Lord is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations."
Psalm 100:4-5

I pray you have a blessed and very Happy Thanksgiving filled with lots of food, fun, family time, football, and most of all giving of thanks to The One Who bestows all the blessings upon us.


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May God Bless You,



  • Linda

    November 24, 2018 at 1:36 am Reply

    Barb, I say a heartfelt "Amen" to your beautiful prayer. Thanksgiving/giving thanks - it is amazing how many times it is mentioned in the scriptures. Wonderful that in the US you have a day set aside for Thanksgiving when getting together with family/friends seems to be an important component. For those of us who are believers, the day takes on an even greater significance - and you have given words to that. I lament each tear that we don't have a Thanksgiving Day - but as I read your words, my heart again overflows with thanks to our Lord. I count your friendship among the many blessings He has given to me - thank you, Barb. Love and hugs from my corner of the world to yours. ❤️

    • Barb

      November 26, 2018 at 1:12 pm Reply

      Linda, it is wonderful that here in America we do set aside a special day in which to give thanks. But like we both know, EVERY day is a day of thanks to our Lord for His numerous blessings upon us and merely just for Who He is ❤ When I wrote about giving thanks for my friends, I had you in mind my precious friend ❤ I love and greatly appreciate you. I'm sending you loads of hugs and love to your part of the world.

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