The Perks and Pitfalls of Modern Day Technology!

The Perks and Pitfalls of Modern Day Technology!

"Let the words

of my mouth,

and the meditation

of my heart,

be acceptable

in thy sight,


my strength,

and my redeemer."
Psalm 19:14

Many living with a chronic illness are hindered from having daily face to face interaction with other people apart from the family members with whom they reside.

Symptoms, flare ups, and limitations interfere with every day life.

A spur of the moment girl's day out normally just doesn't happen.

Plans made a week in advance for lunch with your "bestie" must be postponed due to an extra "feel bad day".

Dinner reservations with friends are cancelled because you've spent the day in bed.

Even attending church is hit or miss.

I shared all that just to say, for those of us living with a chronic illness, our cell phones, tablets and computers become our lifeline.

A way to communicate and stay in touch with others.

Such as friends whom I've met on social media sites or even on websites, like I have through this one! They may be friends whom I've never met in person, but love just the same, and it was all due to technology! 

Texting is a super fun way to keep in touch with my man while he's busy at work and with friends who are busy with life.

Being able to live stream all of our church's worship services directly into our living room is a blessing beyond words.

Enjoying pictures of my precious granddaughter via facebook!

Heaven forbid if I didn't have email to send me the latest sale items from some of my most favorite stores!

Which in turn leads to another blessing. Online shopping!


As beneficial and helpful as the techy world can be, of course it has its downfalls.

And, NO, I'm NOT talking about all the evil ways which man has invented in which to make the Internet a place of sin, violence and perversion.

I'm talking about a simple, howbeit it, nasty trap which is so easy to get caught up in.

Scrolling through a social media site (YES, I'm talking about facebook) and just knowing you MUST make a comment here or there, and, NO, I'm not referring to writing, "Happy Birthday" or "Praying for you"!

I'm speaking of those comments which your mind and hands so desperately want to write, but all the while knowing it's NOT right!

I'll give you an example from my own personal life.

A while back I came across someone's post which rattled something deep within me. 

Hands positioned on my keyboard.

Thoughts all prepared in my mind.

Ready to speak my peace!

Fingers began tapping on the keys!

Was the post nasty you ask?


It wasn't controversial, religious-based, political, nothing like that at all.

Hang onto your hat cause you're about to lose it when I reveal what it was!

It was basically just a person sharing how busy their life was and all the fun stuff they were enjoying.

Okay, I can hear you all screaming at me loud and clear,

"Barb, why in the world would you feel the need to respond to a post like that and what were you going to say anyway?"

Because "to me" (notice those two very important words!) it came across as though the individual was murmuring and complaining about how busy they were trying to keep up with all the fun, adventurous stuff they were privileged to enjoy.

Of course I felt it was my duty to play one of God's "agents" and remind them how thankful they need to be because one day all that fun and adventure could be swept out of their life.

Great reason to post a comment, is it not?


Well, since I once lived that busy, fun life and now that I can't, I have every right to impart my advice, right?


Okay, well, then, as a Christian it's surely my duty to share some words of wisdom, correct?


All this was a conversation going on between myself and the Lord, as my hands were still typing out my comment!

finally STOPPED, CLOSED my mouth and LISTENED to what the Lord was saying to me. 

I quickly hit DELETE and felt totally ashamed I would even consider doing such a thing!

The Lord revealed to me several things through this experience which I'd like to share with you:

  • I am NOT the Holy Spirit. The Lord DOES NOT need my help!
  • I have NO idea what is going on in that person's life. It may be all fun and games on the outside, but total heart-break within.
  • I was allowing the SIN of jealousy and envy to rule in my heart instead of being content where God has me right now in this season of my life.
  • As a believer in Christ, my words are to bring encouragement and edification to others, and most of all honor and glory to my Saviour.
  • I was reacting in a childish, petty, self-pity manner instead of responding in the power of The Holy Spirit exhibiting the fruit of The Spirit!
  • I was prepared to jeopardize my testimony over something I perceived to be true just by the way I chose to read it.

This was an extremely difficult post to share.

I cringed at the sheer transparency and you seeing my "not so pretty" side!

Every time I wanted to hit the delete button on this post, the Lord said, "NO"!

This was one time when He desired for my comments to be heard!

"Out of 

the same mouth


blessing and cursing.

My brethren,

these things

ought not

so to be."

James 3:10

"Father, you are so very gracious to give us the gift of language. Lord, may we ever be mindful of the words which we speak and the words which we write to others. Remembering always the power held in each and every word. As believers in Christ, may we set the example of using our words to build up, not to tear each other apart.
In Jesus' Name, Amen" 


If you have been helped by this post and think it could be helpful to someone you know, please share this post on the social network of your choice for me.

All you have to do is click one of the buttons below.

May God Bless You,



  • Zebra4Jesus

    April 13, 2018 at 7:00 am Reply

    O my dear. How easy that would be!!! And how often those thoughts go through our minds. I have a friend who talks to me on the phone sometime and I listen to her go on and on and on about her busy life and I get exhausted just listening although I never let her know. And that same place doesn't hear me and my life and I'm compared to this woman and how I should get up and do etc. I get that from a couple sources actually about get up and do, learn responsibility etc etc. Yes, my dear everything you wrote... That is life. But me? My attitude? I strive to let go and let God. God knows I'm doing my best. And that's what counts. I must never judge another until I've walked a mile in their shoes. How hard that is sometimes as I battle that in prayer. And then letting it all at Jesus feet, I say nothing negative to them:) what freedom to tell it all to Jesus!!! And let Him work with them if they need any help in that area:) He can do a much better job than me. Love this timely piece. Love your writings. I thank God for you. With love, Your Fellow Zebra

    • Barb

      April 13, 2018 at 2:50 pm Reply

      Oh my Fellow Zebra how I thank the Lord for you and the blessing which you are to me. Thank you for sharing openly and honestly in your comment. And most of all I greatly appreciate the wisdom which you shared, reminding me that I never know what someone is going through until I've walked a mile in their shoes! So true! And the great reminder of telling it all to Jesus and leaving it all with Jesus! You are a tremendous blessing and sister in Christ. Sending loads of hugs and appreciation your way ❤❤

  • Zebra4Jesus

    April 13, 2018 at 11:27 pm Reply

    Thank you! I don't feel I deserve all that but thank you:) You are so inspiring:) HUGS. Your fellow Zebra

    • Barb

      April 17, 2018 at 12:18 pm Reply

      I think you do❤❤❤

  • Will

    April 16, 2018 at 10:02 pm Reply

    As always, well done. Thanks for being transparent. As I struggle to comlete my post on love, I feel compelled to say that God loves us as we are without hesitation. We are called to do the same for each other so no need to cringe. Honesty in struggle is much more edifying than image management.
    Thanks again.

    • Barb

      April 17, 2018 at 12:33 pm Reply

      Thanks, Will, for your words of encouragement. They meant more than you know!
      I loved what you wrote about honesty in struggle being much more edifying than image management!
      WOW! Wish I would have written that ... LOL!!!
      Thanks again for your words of encouragement!
      I appreciate you
      Your friend in this journey of life, Barb❤❤

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