Praises Found Among Stolen Mail!

Praises Found Among Stolen Mail!

Today as I'm writing this post it just happens to be Brian's day off from work which IS a VERY sweet thing. HOWEVERwhen he came into the house and asked me if I knew anything about our mailbox hanging wide open, with the flag still up and all the outgoing mail missing, that was anything BUT sweet!


That outgoing mail included twenty-five handmade invitations and RSVP cards to a banquet which will be held in the honor of some VERY SPECIAL VERY SWEET ladies at our church.

Yes, I had the absolute JOY of making those invitations. And when I say JOY I truly mean it!

As I found myself totally absorbed in formatting those invitations, adding in all kinds of cute clip art, tweaking the fonts, I was praising the Lord the entire time for allowing me the privilege of serving Him and others in such a fun, yet, productive way!  

My first reaction upon learning someone stole those invitations and RSVP cards out of our mailbox was tears!

Of course it

was tears!

That's my

first reaction

to most things

whether happy

or sad!

However, I swiftly moved from tears to anger!

"He that is slow to wrath is of great understanding: but he that is hasty of spirit exalteth folly."
Proverbs 14:29

Oh, how I wish I would NOT have exhibited folly by becoming angry.

So very thankful God's still working on me to make me what I ought to be!

YES, I DID make it right with the Lord, but unfortunately it was AFTER I thought and said the following statements!

How dare someone steal something from our personal mailbox?

That's a federal offensive!

I was extremely angry and upset over the time and money that went to waste.

And, YES I will admit, I was frustrated at the thought of needing to redo those invitations, RSVP cards and envelopes all over again.

Granted, it was not the time that it takes, it's the fact of needing to have a "feel good day" to get them all redone! But I KNOW God IS able!

"For with God nothing shall be impossible."
Luke 1:37

Then I moved from anger into fear!

The thought of someone being out in front of our house inside our mailbox drove me to fear.

I felt violated.

I felt as though my safety had been threatened and jeopardized.

My thoughts drifted to,

"What if this person had been stalking our home!"

"Now they know the exact time when Brian leaves the house, and what if they come back tomorrow for more than just the mail?"

It took some time to "get myself together", and put to rest those evil, wicked thoughts. Whenever my mind would begin to drift in that direction I would repeat aloud,

"What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee."
Psalm 56:3


Then I slowly moved from fear to forgiveness!

As I started retyping the names on the invitations, I began praying for the person or people who committed this crime.

I prayed the Lord would direct their eyes to the Bible verse which appears on all twenty-five invitations!

The theme at our church for this year is, 





Of course this theme is based upon,

"Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us."
Ephesians 3:20

I prayed this person or people would see the name of the church, Astatula Baptist Church, realize they need to be in church, would visit the church, hear the Gospel and get saved! Remember, God CAN do exceeding, abundantly, above, ALL!   

As I began praying for this individual or individuals, God did something astounding within ME!

He took away my tears, anger and fear!

Only the Lord can do that!

Humanly I wanted to hold onto my anger, hurt and tears, but once I began to pray, it was totally impossible to hang onto any of those emotions!

It was most certainly a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde kind of day!

Running the gamut of every possible emotion!

Beginning with tears, anger and fear, but because of Gods amazing grace, ending with the Lord's forgiveness, peace and trust!

Praising the Lord that my amazing hubby was here at the house and could take care of all the details. Checking with our neighbors, calling the police, calling our local post office, tracking down our personal postal carrier.

Praising the Lord that He directed Brian's eyes to take notice that our mailbox was hanging open, otherwise we NEVER would have known the invitations had been stolen.

We would have assumed our mailman had picked them up and they were on their merry way! That is until I got word that no RSVP cards were being returned! By then it would have been getting very close to the date of the banquet which would have ended in a disastrous mess!

Praising the Lord that the invitations and RSVP cards were safe and securely saved on my computer, therefore it kept me from needing to reformat them all over again, which was a HUGE BLESSING!

It's now Saturday and I'm back to finish up the post which began on Wednesday.

I have one more praise to share!

Praising the Lord that He did indeed give me HIS strength on Friday to redo all the invitations, RSVP cards and envelopes! Brian came home from work when they were finished and took them to the post office to be mailed! PRAISE GOD!

“The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way.”
Psalm 37:23

"Father, thank You that in the midst of a bad situation, You showed Your unending faithfulness! Lord, I continue to pray for those who committed this deed. Lord, might they come to know You as their personal Saviour even by something they might have read on the invitations, knowing that nothing is impossible with You because You are able to do exceeding, abundantly, above all that we can ask or think!
In Jesus' Name, Amen"

If you're

in need

of a reminder

of the faithfulness

of Jesus,

please listen closely

to the words

of this song!



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May God Bless You,



  • Linda

    March 10, 2018 at 3:30 am Reply

    How prayer, and turning our eyes to Jesus, changes us and our feelings about a situation even if details of what happened remain much the same! Do glad the invites etc were on your computer, Barb, and that Brian was home to get them posted. Its wobderful that you have this ministry in creating cards for many occasions. Lovely to read your words today (even if somewhat late!). Lora and liars love and hugs coming your way.

  • Linda

    March 11, 2018 at 9:10 pm Reply

    Ohh, Barb - looks like my reply above got a few incorrrect words in there - no idea how, but I'm guessing the old predictive text did it somehow. Humblest apologies - of course the words "lora and liars" have no place there - and shouldn't be there. I should have reread my reply before hitting submit. Unfortunately, I can't edit it out subsequently, Hugs❤️❤️

    • Barb

      March 11, 2018 at 10:30 pm Reply

      No worries whatsoever my dear friend. Computers and all techy stuff have minds of their own. I knew those words didn't belong there and never even gave it a second thought!
      Sending you loads of love and hugs

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