Two weeks ago I had to go visit my doctor for a check up. An every day event. Nothing particularly special about it.
My two favorite words!
He had something way more than just an ordinary, mundane doctor visit in store for me!
As Brian and I were sitting in the waiting room, a young lady, probably in her late twenties, came into the office. Upon her arrival, she immediately laid down on the couch in the waiting room. We thought she must have been feeling rather poorly and just needed to lie down.
However, within a few minutes we knew something was terribly wrong.
She began to make very erratic movements and sounds. She was desperately trying to lift her head and then began the twitching, jerking and stiffening up.
My husband went straight to her and asked if she was okay. She was able to get out the word, “seizure”. Brian stayed and spoke words of comfort to her until the nurses and doctor could get out to the waiting room to assist her.
Okay, bear with me as I do some hubby gushing!
Brian remained cool, calm and collected.
He didn't sit back and wait for someone else to step up.
His words to the hurting lady were simple words of comfort and compassion.
This was NOT unusual for him to act this way!
He is ALWAYS ready to do whatever it takes to help another.
He would give you the shirt off his back if you were in need. No questions asked!
He gives ALL the glory and praise to the Lord for whatever he is able to accomplish in his life.
The following verse describes my man and I am truly blessed beyond words!
"Not with eyeservice, as menpleasers; but as the servants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart;”
Ephesians 6:6
I, on the other hand, began crying! It shook me to the core to see someone suffering like she was and to feel totally helpless.
There's my two favorite words again!
The Lord sent me my own comforter!
The other patient in the waiting room, her name is Tamara, came and sat by me, made eye contact, asked if I was going to be okay, got me some Kleenex, simply showed she truly cared.
After they took the patient back to be treated, it was just the three of us left in the waiting room, Brian, Tamara and myself.
We began talking and Tamara mentioned something about Jesus, and without skipping a beat, I exclaimed, “I knew it! We’re believers too!”
I told Tamara that I could sense she knew Jesus as her personal Saviour just by the way in which she responded.
Her words, her attitude, her actions all reflected and pointed to the unspeakable love which she has for her Saviour.
She was the ministering hands and feet of Jesus in action!
"Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others."
Philippians 2:3-4
You could feel the love of Christ in that waiting room!
I thanked Tamara for being a tremendous blessing to me. Upon hearing these words, I saw tears in her eyes as she shared that she had specifically asked the Lord earlier in the morning to use her to be a blessing to someone!
Brian and I got to see the young lady who had the seizure, along with her husband who came to be with her, walk out of the doctor's office. On the way out, she looked over at Brian and thanked him twice. We were praising the Lord she was doing so much better than when she walked into the office!
Was all this
a coincidence?
Just ordinary
life events?
Some would say
it was.
But I choose
to believe
it was ALL
God's blessings!
The Lord had us all exactly where He wanted us to be so He could use us to be blessings and so we could receive blessings!
After my appointment, Brian and I enjoyed a lunch truck date in the beautiful, sunny, much cooler Florida weather!
When we got home, I was delighted that I had received a card from a sweet young lady whom I've known since she was about four years old.
At the EXACT moment I was reading her card, she was on an airplane with her husband and three small children headed to India to serve as missionaries for the next year!
I was equally delighted to have received a card from one of the senior saints at our church whom I love dearly.
When I opened her card, out fell two sheets of stamps which I refer to as GOLD! She sent me stamps because she knows I will have the JOY of using them to make and send cards to others!
The evening was topped off when Brian went to pick up our pizza for dinner. We were already blessed since we had a coupon for a free pizza!
But we were doubly blessed when Brian handed the coupon to the cashier, and in turn was told to just keep it since the place was packed and the waiting time was much longer than normal. So we get to use the coupon for another free pizza!
Truck dates!
Getting stamps (GOLD!) in the mail from a senior saint!
Enjoying the sunny, cooler Florida weather with the love of my life!
Making a new friend!
An opportunity to help another in need!
Receiving a card from a young lady whom I've known since she was a child, now en route, along with her family, to serve the Lord in India!
Free pizza TWICE!
Witnessing someone up, walking and doing so much better after having just suffered from a seizure!
Having a complete stranger show compassion!
A caring and concerned doctor!
There's two ways to look at all the things I mentioned above.
They can be seen as just mundane, every day occurrences, nothing out of the ordinary.
Or they can be viewed as showers of blessing sent straight from the hand of the Lord into our lives just when we need them the most!
I choose
option number two!
What about you?
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May God Bless You,
November 25, 2017 at 1:30 amVery late on getting to read this post, Barb! I just love it - so glad I stumbled upon it just now! What an amazing day - no "coincidences" in it - with divine 'appointments' and provision! You and Brian would have been so encouraged by the end of the day, and giving glory to God. Love and hugs from over the seas to you, my dear friend. ❤️
November 28, 2017 at 11:33 amRight my friend, no coincidences EVER! Only divine appointments orchestrated by The Master Planner!
I'm so glad the words were a blessing to you. YOU are a blessing to me!
I love and appreciate you ❤❤❤