Keep On The Sunny Side!

Keep On The Sunny Side!

"Keep on the sunny side,
always on the sunny side
Keep on the sunny side of life.
It will help us every day,
it will brighten all the way
If we keep on the sunny side of life"

Not sure if you're familiar with that chorus or not?

The song was written by Ada Blenkhorn in 1899.

Early in Ada's life, she was given the job of caring for her nephew who happened to be an invalid. Whenever the two of them went outside, he always asked that his wheelchair would be pushed, "down the sunny side of the street!"

Her nephew's constant repetition of this phrase inspired Ada to write the words to the song which we know as, "Keep On The Sunny Side Of Life."

A wonderful example of how the Lord prompted someone to take a difficult situation and turn it into a blessing for others!

So the million dollar question for you and I would be, 

"Is it really possible to keep on the sunny side of life at all times?"

What about when Susie comes home, note in hand, explaining she talked one too many times in class, and now the principal is requesting a meeting with YOU first thing in the morning!

Can you and I remain "sunny"?

How about when something unexpected happens during your commute home from work, and your usual thirty minute drive turns into a three-hour drive!

Can you and I remain "sunny"?

Your hair stylist gets rather preoccupied while trimming your hair and instead of cutting off just an inch or two, you end up with a very short "bob style" haircut!! 

Can you and I remain "sunny"? 

Those are just some minor irritations. Well, all except for the hair mishap!

What about the really hard circumstances of life?

When you're hit with major unexpected financial burdens.

Can you and I remain "sunny"? 

When you find yourself or a family member in the midst of a health crisis or dealing with a life-altering, ongoing chronic illness with no end in sight.

Can you and I remain "sunny"? 

How about when your son or daughter is in total rebellion, has stopped living for the Lord, has chosen an alternative life style, has gotten into drugs.

Can you and I remain "sunny"? 

You're completely blindsided when one evening your spouse blurts out that they're tired of trying to make a go of this thing called marriage. They'll be moving out in the morning and filing for a divorce.

Can you and I remain "sunny"? 

I believe we all would be in total agreement in saying that when all the bills are paid, our loved ones are in good health, the kids are doing great in school, our walk with the Lord is "spot on", all is well at work, and our marriage is sugar and spice and everything nice, we would not only be singing, "Keep on the sunny side, always on the sunny side, keep on the sunny side of life!", we would be SHOUTING it!

BUT, let just one thing go wrong to upset the apple cart, and just like that all the sunniness goes flying out the window, and instead, we find ourselves walking beneath a cloudy, overcast, rainy sky. 

So back to my original million dollar question which I never answered!

"Is it

really possible

to keep

on the

sunny side

of life

at all times?" 

The answer is,

"No" and "Yes"!


Let me explain!

NO, it is absolutely, totally, completely, altogether, entirely, wholly, fully IMPOSSIBLE to live every day on the sunny side of life IF we are attempting to do it in our own power and strength. It just cannot be done.

Our human nature will fail us over and over again.

BUT, the answer to the question is a resounding YESwhen we live our lives by faith in the Lord. Totally trusting in the Lord ways and NOT in our own ways. Trusting He knows what's best, even when all we can see is a jumbled up mess. Trusting He will work all things for our good.

Is this always easy to do?

NO, that's why it's called faith!

"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."
Hebrews 11:1

"For we walk by faith, not by sight." 
II Corinthians 5:7

Let me just interject right here and let you know that as I type this out for all of you, I am typing this first and foremost for myself.

I'll be the first to admit that I struggle with always being "sunny".

There are situations and circumstances in my life, which to be perfectly honest, I don't especially care for.

BUT GOD brought them to me, and if He brought them to me, then HE will bring me through them IF I allow Him to. IF I choose to trust Him completely. IF I take my hands off the steering wheel and allow HIM to guide me. IF I say, "Not my will, but thy will be done."

When I do those things, and then rest in my Saviour's mercy, grace, peace and unspeakable love for me, then, and only then, can I say with an honest heart that I am, "keeping on the sunny side of life!"   

While I'm stopping to interject, let me just go ahead and add that, "keeping on the sunny side of life", does not mean we're always smiling from ear to ear as we "tip toe through the tulips" whistling a happy little tune for all to hear!

Life is rough.

Days of unrelenting tears.

Days of deep pain.

Days of overwhelming sorrow.   

BUT, as a child of God, we have God's Spirit alive and well and living within us. We have Jesus with us at all times. We have the peace of God which passes all understanding! 

I have found in my own life that one of the very best ways to "keep on the sunny side of life" is to praise the Lord!

To count my blessings. Name them one by one!

Praise Him for the "big" things in your life. Your salvation. The freedom to openly worship, pray and read God's Word. Your family. Your church family. 

Praise Him for the things you usually don't even think about. A good night's sleep. The laughter of children. Air conditioning for those hot, humid days. Clean water to drink. Fresh food to eat. A hug from a friend. Holding the hand of your spouse.

Whenever I  feel myself down sliding and heading into a pity party or a major stint of discouragement, I turn to the following verses to help remind myself that my troubles and trials are but for a moment in light of all eternity, and the Lord is working these trials in my life for a far more exceeding weight of glory. 

"For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory; While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal."
II Corinthians 4:17-18

Now that

should keep

us all

on the

sunny side

of life!


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May God Bless You,



  • Andrea Coe

    October 18, 2017 at 3:15 pm Reply

    Barb, thank you. The Lord has been teaching me how to live on the sunny side and take my hands off. Not easy but so much better when I do so. Love you much - thank you for your inspiring spirit in the midst of your own storm!

    • Barb

      October 19, 2017 at 3:16 pm Reply

      Andrea, it sure isn't always easy to live on the sunny side of life is it? But when we do, it makes things a lot better. And it's surely not the easiest thing to take our hands off the controls either! But when we do, and allow God to be God, we can live in His peace and His joy.
      Thank you my dear friend for your words of encouragement.
      I praise the Lord for bringing you into my life ♡♡♡

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