if God
so loved us,
we ought also
to love
one another."
1 John 4:11
This is NOT the post I had planned to publish today.
But as the Lord does at times, He completely turns things around, and that’s exactly how I KNOW that this site belongs ALL to Him, and I’m just the overseer!
Right now there are so many people who are hurting, saddened, angry, confused, scared, questioning.
Asking, "Why?"
Seeking for answers
Wondering, "Where's God in all this chaos? Does He even really care?"
It would appear that our entire world is spinning out of control with wars, terrorist threats and attacks, murders which are multiplying on a daily basis, no regard whatsoever for the value of human life.
We're currently living in a world where right is considered wrong and wrong is considered right.
America is most definitely hurting as a country with our current political status in a total upheaval, as well as, all the senseless, meaningless violence which is quickly spreading its nasty fingers throughout every state. Hatred and intolerance continue to spread like an uncontrollable wildfire.
We hurt in our own personal lives with marital problems, illnesses, financial issues, death of loved ones, betrayal, loss of jobs. You fill in the blank according to your own life.
The following words have become my “theme song” when things in my own life are "off kilter" and I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed. I have a "sense" there are many who can relate.
Bowing here
Without You
You're the One
Every hour
My one defense,
Oh God,
Where sin runs deep
Where grace is found
And where You are,
Every hour
My one defense,
Oh God,
Teach my song
When temptation
And when
Every hour
My one defense,
Oh God,
You're my
Oh God,
My one defense,
Oh God,
But guess what? Amidst all the bad and negative news, there IS good news, in fact it is GREAT news! There IS a solution to EVERY problem. No, it's not found in our government. It's not found as a result of forming yet another committee. The answer is not in a text-book or in a well written newspaper article. It's not found in a heart-stirring motivational speech or even in the good deeds you do for your neighbors and even towards strangers, although those gestures of kindness should definitely be done. The answer is not found in a "thing". The answer is found in a person, and that person is the sinless Son of God, The Lord Jesus Christ! The ONLY One Who can meet every one of my needs and every one of your needs! The ONLY One Who can give us lasting joy and peace. The ONLY One Who can cleanse our sin-stained hearts. The ONLY One Who can teach us to unconditionally love ALL people.
What's the ONLY answer to the problems in our world?
What's the ONLY answer to the problems in our country?
What's the ONLY answer to the problems in my little corner of the world, and in your little corner of the world?
Lord, we NEED YOU!
"Father, things do seem to be spiraling out of control with so much tragedy, hatred, and senseless violence taking place in the world in which You created. If it grieves us, Lord, how much more must it grieve You? Father, we KNOW You are still on Your Throne and You ARE still in control.
You call us, as believers in Jesus Christ, to walk by faith and not by sight. Lord, as Your children may we shine Your light more brilliantly than ever before in this constantly changing and darkening world. May we be ALWAYS ready to give an answer for THE HOPE which lies within us.
Lord, as believers, we NEED to be part of the solution and NEVER part of the ongoing problems and conflicts. May we extend the mercy, grace and love of our Saviour to All people no matter their race, religion, background, lifestyle choices, etc.
EVERYONE deserves to be shown and told that JESUS LOVES THEM.
Lord, my heart is burdened for ALL those who don't know You as their personal Saviour. Lord, may they see that TODAY is the day to place their faith and trust in You especially since tomorrow is not guaranteed to anyone. May they understand we are ALL sinners in NEED of a Saviour. That no one can measure up to Your standard of holiness and that's EXACTLY why You sent Your Son, the only One Who never sinned, to die and shed His blood on the cross for ALL of us.
Lord may eyes be opened to the TRUTH that if we could get to Heaven by our own good works or by not doing bad things, then Jesus NEVER would have had to die on the cross.
Might people understand the ONLY way to be forgiven of their sins and go to Heaven one day is by having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. That it's ALL about a relationship and NOTHING about religion. Just as Your Word declares in John 14:6, "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."
Father might people truly humble themselves and realize they NEED YOU.
Lord would You please help people to understand that prayer is just a matter of talking to You. That they don't need to use fancy words like "thee" and "thou" when praying to You. They just simply need to tell You that they understand they are a sinner in need of a Saviour and they believe Jesus died for their sins, was buried and three days later rose victorious over death.
That they are asking You to forgive them of their sins and they desire for You to be Lord of their life and they are looking forward to spending all Eternity with You in Heaven because of Jesus' sacrifice on the cross.
I ask these things in the precious and holy name of my Saviour, Jesus Christ, Amen."
If you have any questions about trusting Jesus as your personal Saviour, please don't hesitate to contact me. You can send me a message from the home page under the "Prayer Request" tab or an email at barb@castingyourcare.org. I'm looking forward to hearing from you!
Lord, we NEED You!
If you have been helped by this post and think it could be helpful to someone you know, please share this post on the social network of your choice for me.
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May God Bless You,
July 13, 2016 at 7:39 amTimely and well done. Thanks. I love that song.
July 13, 2016 at 8:09 amThanks, Will!
Like I said, I had something totally different all ready to go but the Lord switched things up. You ever notice that He has a way of doing things like that???!!!
Yes, that is one of my "go to" songs!
God bless you my friend
July 13, 2016 at 8:56 amYes, Barb. Hearts are heavy this week, and have been as we watch the spiraling of our country. The words of a song from my childhood come to mind. Many things about tomorrow I don't seem to understand. But I know who holds tomorrow
And I know who holds my hand. (Written my Ira Stanphill).
I remember my mother singing it.
July 13, 2016 at 3:08 pmYes, Cindyann, a PERFECT song for the days we find ourselves in. A powerful song which contains a VERY mighty TRUTH.
By the way, I am truly enjoying your posts. I especially liked the one on prayer the other day. Very insightful. Very thought-provoking. Very convicting!
Praying for you and yours and sending loads of love, Barb
July 15, 2016 at 5:36 amThe Lord knew what needed to be said in this blog - and, Barb, you listened and obeyed. I have been praying for America over recent days - and today I add France to my prayers. The world needs Jesus. As you have said, we are called to walk by faith - and to be a light for Him in our corner of the world. Love the song, my friend. "every hour, I need You" - oh, yes.
Love and hugs across the oceans.
July 15, 2016 at 9:15 amLinda, you are SO right when you said that this world NEEDS Jesus. He is the ONLY answer.
And, yes, so heavy hearted for France. God please forgive us and please heal our land.
Thanks for always being a blessing to me ♡♡♡
Loads of love being sent to you from my little corner of the world to your little corner of the world!!