Running Your Race As A WARRIOR!

seeing we also
are compassed
about with
so great a cloud
of witnesses,
let us lay aside
every weight,
and the sin
which doth so easily
beset us,
and let us run
with patience
the race that is set
before us."
Hebrews 12:1

Brian and I REALLY enjoy watching the show, “America Ninja Warrior”!  

In fact, I’ve gotten so "into" the show that I actually give the competitors advice as they are running the course!  

I encourage them to straighten their arms as they are swinging on a certain obstacle to keep from falling or to kick their legs harder to get more momentum so they can make a solid landing and not end up going for a swim in the water beneath them.

WAIT?  WHAT?  I'm actually only talking to the television and NOT to the actual competitors??


The obstacles on the course are INSANE!  Such things as, The Floating Steps, The Ring Swing, The Rolling Log, The Butterfly Wall, The Prism Tilt and The Barrel Climb!  

They require extreme strength, speed, coordination, agility and downright bravery!

Some of the competitors scale the warped wall and hit the buzzer signifying their completion of the course!   Some make it half way through the course before their fatigued body gives out.  Some may only make it through the first one or two obstacles.  

But every single one of them gives it their absolute ALL!

Those who don’t complete the course, pick themselves up, brush themselves off and are resolved to be back next year stronger and in even better shape to compete once again.  

They REFUSE to give up!


Most of the competitors train for months, several hours a day, in order for their shot at winning a cash prize of $1,000,000 and the title of being the next "American Ninja Warrior."

As believers in Jesus Christ, we, too, have been called to run a race.

Our race began the day we accepted Jesus as our personal Saviour and our race will end the day we see Jesus face-to-face!

The competitors on "America Ninja Warrior" run for a prize of one million dollars. 

We, too, are running our race for a prize.  As nice as one million dollars may sound, our prize is worth SO MUCH MORE.  In fact our prize is so valuable there cannot even be a price assigned to it.  

What is our prize?

Our "prize" is the PRIVILEGE to be with our Saviour in Heaven for ALL Eternity!  To be part of the heavenly choir described below.

"And I beheld, and I heard the voice of many angels round about the throne and the beasts and the elders: and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands; Saying with a loud voice, Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honour, and glory, and blessing." 
Revelation 5:11-12

Just like the competitors on "American Ninja Warrior" have to overcome many obstacles in order to finish the course.  We, too, will need to overcome many obstacles along our race.  

jumping hurdles photo
Photo by oscarandtara

These obstacles will come in many different forms.  Loss of jobs, illness, temptations, death of loved ones, marital difficulties, loneliness, depression, financial burdens, children who go astray, betrayal, addictions and on and on and on.

Competitors may get to a certain obstacle and get “hung up on it”.  As hard as they try, they just don’t have the strength to hang on.  Their hands slowly lose their grip on the rope and down into the water they go.


There may be times along your race when that's exactly how you feel.  

You just can’t take one more step.

You’re ready to drop.  

Ready to give up.  

I've been there a few times.  

It’s NOT a fun place to be.  

But just when I was ready to left go of the rope, I remembered the prize which is waiting for me at the end of my race!

I also remembered that in order for me to win that prize, my Saviour had to endure unspeakable suffering for MY sins and YOUR sins.  Suffering I can't even begin to fathom.

"But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed."
Isaiah 53:5

That right there is MORE THAN ENOUGH to keep me running my race!

What a reason for NOT quitting!

Some competitors build an obstacle course in their backyard or garage so they can basically train on a 24/7 schedule!

They live and breathe to become the next America Ninja Warrior.

We need to live and breathe The Gospel of The Lord Jesus Christ!

How do we train for our race?  

We train by spending quality time in God’s Word and in prayer.  If physically able, attending church to be fed from The Word of God, as well as, to worship and have fellowship with other believers.  Serving the Lord and others with the gifts and talents God bestows upon each one of us.  Sharing the “good news” of Jesus with all those around us.

The competitors on "America Ninja Warrior" put in hours upon hours of diligent, strenuous training for their few minutes, sometimes SECONDS, in the spotlight.

If they can do that, don't you think our Saviour deserves just as much, if NOT A LOT MORE, from those of us which He purchased with His precious, sacrificial blood?

"What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?  For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's."
I Corinthians 6:19-20 

How are you doing in your race?

Some things for you and ME to ponder:

  • Are we overcoming the obstacles in our race by the power of God's Word, prayer and the Spirit of the Lord Who lives within us as believers?  Or are we allowing the obstacles to overcome us?  
  • Are we giving Jesus our ABSOLUTE 100% ALL?  Or does He only get 50%, 75%, or just the "leftovers"?
  • Are we training DAILY so we can become stronger in our walk with our Saviour?  Or do we train when we feel like it or when it's convenient for us?
  • Do we run our race with our eyes fixed on the prize awaiting us at the end of our race?  With our eyes fixed on becoming more like our Saviour each day?  Or do we allow the things we do for Christ and for others to become our moments in the "limelight"?  If this becomes our mentality, it will cause us to become proud, boastful and "full of ourselves", ultimately causing us to lose complete sight of our purpose of becoming more like Christ, and "side-lining" ourselves in the process.

Like the lyrics
to the song say,
"Till the race
is finished
and the work
is done,
We'll walk
by faith
not by sight!"

Photo by Georgia National Guard

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May God Bless You,



  • Elaine Morgan

    July 6, 2016 at 1:24 pm Reply

    Wow today's blog was a real challenge. I immediately wanted to make excuses for not training as a warrior as much as I should. But then I realized how hard it is for many to train and the obstacles they have every minute of the day. what a sorry excuse of a warrior I would be If I did not dedicate myself to train more. So thank you Barb for the challenge, by God's grace I pray I can become a better warrior for God Almighty .

    • Barb

      July 6, 2016 at 11:13 pm Reply

      Elaine, my sister in so many ways! I'm glad that the post was an encouragement to you. But I really take no credit since it's ALWAYS the Lord Who gives me the words to write.
      And I must confess as I'm writing the words which He gives to me to share, I get so very convicted myself!!
      The Lord bless you as you continue to persevere in your race and as you continue to be a blessing to so many others.
      Love you my sister and friend!

  • Linda+vdM

    July 6, 2016 at 3:28 pm Reply

    Thank you for your encouraging words, Barb. I've never before thought of Christ giving us this life for which we must train, persevere, and finish - in His time. Far be it from me therefore, to even consider giving up before He says I've finished this race. Your words have been such a blessing!

    • Barb

      July 6, 2016 at 11:16 pm Reply

      Linda, my sweet friend, thank you for your words of encouragement. All the glory goes to the Lord since He is the One Who gives me the words to write.
      God bless you as you continue to train and persevere in your race with Christ.
      Love you bunches ❤

  • Linda

    July 7, 2016 at 1:11 am Reply

    Hi Barb, As I read your post, the song "Turn your eyes upon Jesus" came to mind. We sure need to keep our eyes on Him as we run our race! Your post today is a wonderful reminder of the great prize we have in Jesus our Saviour, along with a challenge for us all to run our race with perseverance. Your reference to "training" gives food for thought too. Barb, thank you for your words - we are so blessed because you write from your heart in tune with what God is saying to you. Wish we could chat together over some of these truths - over a coffee, of course! I read a quote today that went something like this: "true friends are never apart, even though miles may separate because they are close at heart". So true, dear friend. Hugs across the seas

    • Barb

      July 8, 2016 at 11:56 am Reply

      Linda, yes we definitely need to "Turn Our Eyes Upon Jesus" to run and persevere in our race and to finish it successfully for our Saviour.

      I thank you for your words of encouragement, but honestly I can take no credit since it's ALL the Lord's doing!

      Oh how I so long, as well, for us to be able to sit and chat and pray together. Can you even begin to imagine what it would be like???!!! Several words that comes to mind .... amazing, a treasure, a memory-making time!!

      I LOVE the quote. It describes our friendship perfectly!!

      Love and appreciate you my sweet friend ♡♡♡

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