It’s A Battle!

It’s A Battle!

“For we
wrestle not
against flesh
and blood,
the rulers
of the darkness
of this world,
spiritual wickedness
in high places”
Ephesians 6:12 

If you haven't figured it out yet, we as Christians, are in a constant battle.  

Oh, it's not a knock out, take down, fist swinging brawl.  BUT it most definitely is a fight.  The devil hates God and all believers in Jesus Christ, and he will do whatever he can to cause us to stumble and fall in our walk with the Lord.   

You may be thinking, "I'm nobody special.  I'm not a preacher or an evangelist or a missionary.  I'm a stay at home Mom raising my children and endeavoring to be the best godly wife and Mom I can be.  Or I'm a guy who goes off to work each day to provide for my wife and children and pray every day I would be growing in my walk with the Lord.  But I really don't think that all this battle talk is for me.  I think it's just for pastors, evangelists and missionaries."


No matter if you are a preacher, a homemaker, a businessman, a student, a grocery bag boy, an evangelist.  You fill in the blank.

If you have
a personal relationship
with Jesus Christ,
you ARE
in a DAILY

“Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:”
I Peter 5:8 

As believers in Christ, we are constantly in a war between listening to the whisperings of the adversary, whose only goal is to destroy us, or following the promptings of The Holy Spirit, Who lives within us as children of God.  A battle between my choices and what the Lord would have me to do MOMENT BY MOMENT! 

We live our lives in a "tug of war" and the consequences are always based upon our choices.

As believers in Jesus Christ, we are called His ambassadors.

“Now then we are ambassadors for Christ”
II Corinthians 5:20a

When Brian and I go on truck dates, we love to "people watch!"  

If people know that we are Christians, they are watching us even more closely.  Our daily choices, not only will have consequences for our own lives, but they also could make others thirsty for Christ or make them say, "She's no different from me.  If that's what being a Christian is all about, no thanks!"

our choices
are that

Okay, picture yourself on an airplane flying wherever you want to goIf you read my last post, you know I'll be headed straight to Hawaii!!

No one on this flight knows I'm a Christian.  And, yes, I got stuck sitting in the middle of a row of three seats.  There's a big, brute of a guy sitting in the aisle seat, and he has already begun “jibber-jabbering” to me about his wife and kids back home! 

By the window seat is a young Mom traveling alone with her baby girl whose little face is puckered up and the tears are just beginning to form in her sweet little eyes.  

So what will I do?  

Will I let out a huge sigh, roll my eyes, pop in my ear buds and very quickly pull out the book I'm carrying with me, and randomly open it to page 148 and proceed to read that exact page for the next four hours of the flight so I can be totally oblivious to all that is going on around me??!!

The choice is mine and so are the consequences  

Or do I politely start a conversation with the gentleman?  Letting him tell me all about his wife and children, and in the process, the Lord may just open up the opportunity for me to share my testimony or give him a Gospel tract.

The choice is mine and so are the consequences

What about that single Mom sitting by the window who is now, not only attempting to comfort her crying child, but trying to wipe her own tears of frustration which are streaming down her face. 

Do I continue pushing my face even further into page 148 in that book of mine and completely ignore her and her precious little girl?

The choice is mine and so are the consequences  

Or do I offer her a Kleenex, along with a smile?  And ask if I can help as she scrambles to find a toy for her little girl?  And after she falls asleep, maybe, just maybe, I can hear the "Mom's story”, and then tell her about my relationship with Christ. 

The choice is mine and so are the consequences  

On the job where everyone knows I am a believer, am I going to get frustrated and “blow my top”, like everyone else does, when the new guy messes up and it causes me to have to stay and work overtime, without pay?  

The choice is mine and so are the consequences  

Or am I going to stop, take a deep breath, smile, and then reassure him that it was an honest mistake which could have happened to anyone, and we will work out the problem together?

The choice is mine and so are the consequences  

What about the wife back at home who gets the call that her husband is going to miss out on the family dinner because he's stuck at work?  As the wife, am I going to throw a “hissy fit” in front of my children, whose eyes and ears are glued upon me at this point?

The choice is mine and so are the consequences  

Or am I going to tell my husband, I totally understand, I will be praying for him and will make a plate and have it ready and waiting for him when he gets home?

The choice is mine and so are the consequences

Okay bringing it straight INTO the home

What about when it's just me and the Lord?  

First thing in the morning, do I hit on that facebook icon which seems to be glaring at me and calling out my name straight from my phone so I can catch up on all the news in everyone else's lives? 

The choice is mine and so are the consequences  

Or do I first click the Bible app on my phone and read God's Word and spend quality time with my Heavenly Father?

The choice is mine and so are the consequences 

Before I have rubbed "the sleep" out of my eyes, do I open my email and suddenly get caught up in scanning through all the latest sales and bargains from my favorite online shopping sites? 

The choice is mine and so are the consequences  

Or do I hit the button on my phone which will darken the screen and spend time in prayer with the Lord?  

Worshiping Him.  Praising Him.  Thanking Him.  Talking to Him about the day ahead.  Bringing the burdens of others before Him.

The choice is mine and so are the consequences 

So MANY choices

So MANY consequences

I was
as I wrote
this post!  

I know that my choices are not always the Lord's choices, and for that reason, I say, "Father, please forgive me when I am walking in the flesh instead of walking in the power of Your Holy Spirit.  Lord, You know my heart's desire is to show You to others and to be Your light and salt in this world.  Lord, You are more than willing and more than wanting to fill me with Your Holy Spirit as soon as I am willing to empty me of myself.
In Jesus’ Name.  Amen.” 


As the song says, "Sitting At The Feet Of Jesus" is the BEST way to be ready to face our DAILY MOMENT BY MOMENT spiritual battles!

If you have been helped by this post and think it could be helpful to someone you know, please share this post on the social network of your choice for me.

All you have to do is click one of the buttons below.

May God Bless You,



  • Barb2

    April 6, 2016 at 6:20 pm Reply

    Bless you, Sis for allowing God to speak to you and through you! Your words brought conviction and a fresh challenge to my heart. Oh, that we all would be more like Mary, chosing the BETTER things...sitting at the feet of Jesus!

    • Barb

      April 7, 2016 at 2:03 pm Reply

      Hey Sis.
      Once again, I praise the Lord for using the words that He gave to me to speak to you.
      It was a very convicting post to write!
      I loved your comment about us all being more like Mary.
      Thank you for your words of encouragement.
      You are a blessing to me!
      Love ya, Your Sis♡♡♡

  • Your hubby

    April 6, 2016 at 8:56 pm Reply

    Thank you babie for the reminder to make right choices which makes GOD smile.

    • Barb

      April 7, 2016 at 2:07 pm Reply

      Oh my sweet hubby,
      Tthank you so much for your comment.
      I can't even put into words what your support for this website means to me!
      You are the amazing love of my life and I'm so thankful the Lord brought you into my life so many, many years ago.
      I love you more with each day that passes
      Love you, Your Babie ♡♡♡

  • Linda

    April 9, 2016 at 9:47 pm Reply

    Isn't it amazing that even after many years of walking with Jesus, we can trip up on "simple" everyday choices. How easily and without much thought we make a self centred, rather than Jesus - centred, choice. The Holy Spirit whispered into my heart on reading your post, Barb - thank you for writing this. Dear friend, your words are needed on the Internet! I am SO thankful that I have met you! Abundant blessings to you and yours. Praying for you. Love and hugs from across the seas, Linda

    • Barb

      April 12, 2016 at 7:50 am Reply

      Oh my sweet friend,
      Yes, it does astonish, and grieve me, at how easily I can choose my ways over the Lord's choices, even though I know in my heart, that the Lord's choices bring me blessings and Him honor!
      Thank you so very much for your wonderful words of encouragement to me.
      You will never fully be able to grasp this side of Heaven the true blessing and friend that you are to me ♡♡♡♡
      With more love and appreciation than I can possibly put into words,
      Your loving friend from across the seas ♡♡♡

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